
Testimonials for Salary Tutor Online Courses

I’m so proud of the time and effort that went into my online courses, which allows me to reach and help people around the world.

Note: Real names and photos used from public reviews. Initials used when privacy requested. All salary information is accurate, but review may be edited for length.

Significant raise and a management role!

Hi Jim! I’m a Bryant University Alum as well. After watching your online salary negotiation course, I was able to use your advice and negotiate with the owners of the company, who happen to be my father and uncle!. One of the most valuable pieces of information I learned in your course was to defeat the owners with data and work accomplishments, keeping it FREE of emotions.

As you advised, I created a portfolio of my accomplishments over the past 3 years, then I asked them for a significant raise that comes along with management responsibility, longer hours, and a vision for growing the company. One of the owners straight up told me, “This is not a negotiation.” Since I had watched your course, I knew it certainly was and it may take longer than expected — the negotiation lasted for a couple months.

Result: In the end we worked out the details and I earned a significant raise and a management role! Thanks again for your guidance along the way.
-– AJ, Massachusetts

Great class for everyone to take

mirko-testimonialIt was a great class to open people’s eyes to one of the most important elements on getting a new job somewhere.

Jim brings up several good points that people should take to heart, learn and practice so they can get a salary they are happy with.
-– Mirko Cukich

$28,000 increase plus a 6-month review

Hi Mr. Hopkinson. I registered for your online Negotiating Your Salary course and I wanted to reach out to you so you can know how your class is affecting people’s lives. I was working for a company for one year and today was my review. I was initially hired as a web designer and developer at $50,000 and throughout the year I took on more responsibilities.

To make the story short, I did a presentation this morning via Keynote, using a lot of the techniques you recommended, rehearsing it with my wife (she had GREAT input on the presentation), and requested a raise within the $75k-90k range due to my research of positions with similar responsibilities. I invested the whole weekend into it.

Result: I just hung up the phone with my boss and they raised my salary to $78,000 and will give me another review in 6 months instead of 12! Thank you so much for your help! Best to you.
-– SH, via email

Very well done with high quality examples

bennett-testimonialGreat primer for anyone gearing up for, or in the midst of, a salary negotiation.

I also think this is a valuable course for those who sit on the other side of the table (hiring managers/HR) so they understand the thought process of their job candidates.
-– Joel Bennett

You Need To Take This Course

Jim’s course is great. This is just what I needed to start the New Year off right. The digital downloads are excellent and make it easy to apply the action steps he outlines in the course. I also found the list of resources he provides to determine how much you’re worth extremely valuable.

It’s so hard to put a number on all your experience, but the resources he gives you make it easy. I would recommend this course to anybody who wants to get a raise or is looking for a new job.
-– John M, Pennsylvania

Entertainingly exceptional

wright-testimonialJim’s Mindset course helped me tremendously as it got me amp’d up right before my meeting.

I also found it very quick, painless, and entertaining to sit through and be taught something…which is a wonderful achievement for me.
-– Leigh Wright

Excellent and timely information!

I came across this course while browsing for “Business” related topics, which I then honed down to “Negotiation.” I found all of the information to be extremely useful, as well as timely, considering the fact that I will be re-entering the workforce within the next several weeks following an extended leave of absence for medical reasons.

The instructor’s upbeat tone of voice and overall enthusiasm makes the subject matter even more appealing, and he seems genuinely interested in personally helping his students to negotiate a higher salary (and/or bonuses, more vacation time & other perks). The lessons were all in short, “bite-sized” pieces and even though the video examples were really funny & appeared exaggerated, I could personally relate several of the examples to interviews I had experienced in the past, when the topic of salary came up.

Especially helpful were the book suggestions for female negotiators. Many thanks to both the author, Jim Hopkinson for providing such excellent content! I will surely be sharing this course with many friends, and family members, as well as former & future coworkers!
-– Paula J. Durrance

Jim knows what he’s talking about

olawski-testimonialI had taken an Advanced Blogging class with Jim and got so much out of it, so when I heard about his salary negotiating course (always a difficult process for me) I knew I had to take it.

I enjoyed this course, definitely learned some tips, and gained an appreciation for the importance of the salary negotiating process. I’d recommend this course to everyone, yes, everyone. We all want to make more money and with a little work (and Jim’s advice) we can.
-– Dan Olawski

Invaluable lessons, templates, and advice

I highly recommend this course if you’re looking for practical lessons that will help you successfully negotiate. As a result of taking this course and hiring Jim for a few one-on-one sessions, I was able to negotiate a substantial raise. Put in the time, follow Jim’s advice, and you will get results.
-– MS, New York City

How to negotiate

mccain-testimonialThis was a great experience. I loved how the lectures were broken down into small palatable chunks that were easy to understand and apply them to future endeavors.

Thank you Jim Hopkinson, this was truly a great course.
-– Charles McCain

Basic to advanced professional negotiation tactics

Jim is amazing at putting things into perspective. This course does just that. Make sure your eyes and ears are open to take mental notes. Its a great addition to the soft skill set that will get your career/financial graph moving at a its best pace. I use them everyday.

Result: Thanks to Jim there has been an amazing mutual respect between my employer and I, they know my strengths and that I am fully aware of what my services are worth. It boosts confidence and willingness to perform at best! Needless to say the extra $25K in salary bump definitely is cool reward to have for working on my negotiation skills. Looking for a new job next year? Here is what you need to kill it!
-– Sabitha Anisetti, New York City

Great course!

merrill-testimonialThe role-play situations made me laugh!

Great advice, and the worksheets look like they will be useful.

I plan to put together a portfolio following your outline. Thanks! 🙂
-– Jed Merrill

Filled with advice, resources, and case studies

Although I’m not in a salary negotiation currently, I took the course to learn more about the topic and negotiation strategies in general. I found the course to be very well organized, clear, and insightful with excellent advice and resources including PDFs and helpful links.
-– Timothy Grammer


scripter-testimonialThis course is short, snappy, and literally packed with really on the button information and examples. The minute I watched the first video of Allison negotiating her salary I cringed, I was offered a huge position recently after being self-employed for years, and all of a sudden I found myself just nodding and saying ‘ok.’

Even in a situation when someone was clearly negotiating with me I took it, just because I couldn’t believe the offer. The moment I saw her do that (great actress by the way) I thought, “I need to watch this course.”
-– Scripter Note

Value-packed and assertive

This is by far one of the most valuable courses I’ve taken online. For an incredible value, the student receives vital advice which could pay off in the increase of salary by thousands of dollars. This course is an absolute must for anyone interested in learning how to negotiate their salary.
-– Christopher Anderson

